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  • A guide to cardio & diet hacks to lose fat 🍔

A guide to cardio & diet hacks to lose fat 🍔

Today we're talking about saving timeeeeee baby. That and some friendly tips to all the fat fam out there.

Natty Nation,

It’s HUMP DAY YEA. Welcome back bitches.

I’m officially at my part of the cut where I either have to adopt a minor eating disorder to push down my weight further or start doing way more cardio. Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally capable of a minor eating disorder, but I candidly enjoy ice cream and chocolate too much.

But when duty calls, the job must be done. So today we’re going to talk about how you can commit to more exercise and ways to hack your diet.

Woop woop

Today’s Gameplan:

  • The champ of cardio

  • Another benefit of low volume lifts

  • Smart stacking your diet

Breaking Down Your Cardio: What Burns the Most?

When it comes to shedding those extra pounds or maintaining an optimal body weight, cardio is your best friend. But not all cardio is created equal. The intensity, duration, and type of cardio all affect the calories you burn during your workout. But before we delve in, remember that everyone's body responds differently to different types of exercises, and the values provided are an average for a person weighing 190 pounds (86 kg).

Math checks out

Obviously there are a lot of variables that go into each of these things. Level of intensity, whether you’re putting your entire body weight onto the bars of the stair master, if you’re eating a bag of candy on the treadmill… They all factor in.

So in general I like to think about a few ez rules to follow when I’m gettin’ sweaty:

  • Intensity vs. Duration: Higher intensity workouts tend to burn more calories per minute, but it's also essential to balance this intensity with a sustainable duration.

  • Consistency: As with most things, consistency is where you make the most progress. You’re better off with frequent and regular exercise than one insanely hard workout every week. Even if your “workouts” are going for walks.

  • Enjoy it: If you hate the stair master, maybe you should just walk on a treadmill. If I’m doing an hour of cardio I like to switch it up between a few different types of exercise. I generally might start on the stair master for 20 before moving to the treadmill where I’ll walk on an incline for another 20 minutes. It helps break things up.

Reaping the Rewards of Low-Volume Lifting

When it comes to designing a workout routine, there's an entire spectrum of volume and intensity to consider. Many of us are used to traditional high-volume workouts, pounding out set after set in pursuit of our fitness goals (I’ve talked about this at length in previous posts). However, a growing body of evidence and anecdotal accounts suggest that low volume lifting has a host of benefits that shouldn't be overlooked. Let's delve into the multitude of rewards this style of training can offer, beyond putting body in an optimal state to grow.


First and foremost, low volume workouts tend to be much shorter. A well-designed low-volume workout should typically last no more than 45 minutes. This shorter duration is a significant benefit in our time-strapped society, making it easier to stay consistent with our training, as we're far more likely to find the time for a quick workout. I generally stick to 2 muscle groups, with 3 movements for each, and two sets per movement.

i.e. 2 sets of flat bench, 2 sets of incline, 2 sets of peck deck, 2 sets of skull crushers, 2 sets of triceps pushdowns, and 2 sets of single arm cable extensions.

How fast my workouts feel these days - FAST AF BOI

The Joy of Pumps

Arnolds favourite thing in the world. The 'pump' - that pleasing sensation of fullness and tension in a muscle after it has been worked. Maybe it’s my supplement stack these days, maybe it’s the fact I’m getting leaner, but low vol has my pumps feeling some type of way.

Anticipation and Variety

In a low volume workout, you're not doing countless sets of the same exercise. This approach keeps the routine fresh and exciting because you're constantly changing exercises, allowing you to look forward to each one as it comes up. It can prevent the feeling of monotony that may come with high-volume routines, where the sheer number of sets for each exercise can become tedious. I used to do 3 sets of each exercises and I would do about 8 exercises per lift. At this volume, I dread each set.

The Power of Supersets

The structure of low volume workouts also lends itself well to incorporating supersets. By pairing two exercises together, you can speed up the workout even further without sacrificing intensity. This can add a cardio element to the session, as your heart rate stays elevated, but also boosts the muscle-building stimulus. Supersets are not unique to low volume lifting but it certainly adds a great element to an already improved workout by adding intensity, cardio and shortening your workouts even more. I just try and ensure I am not working the same muscle groups in both of the movements.

i.e. a good example would be pairing curls and leg raises. A bad example would be doing flat bench followed by a tricep extension as you already have a large amount of mechanical load being put on your triceps during the first movement.

More Than Just Lifting

One significant advantage of the time saved with low volume lifting is the opportunity it affords for incorporating other aspects of fitness. With less time taken up by lifting, there's more room to include cardio in your routine. This approach makes it entirely possible to keep your total gym session, including both lifting and cardio, under an hour. This balance can be an essential aspect of a well-rounded fitness program, helping to improve not only strength but also cardiovascular health and endurance.

In conclusion, while high-volume training has its place and can be highly effective for building strength and muscle, it's clear that low-volume lifting presents a set of distinct advantages. Whether you're time-poor, looking for more variety in your routine, or simply want to enjoy your workouts more, low volume lifting might just be the change you need. Give it a try - your body, and your watch, will thank you.

Smart Stacking: Maximizing Satiety Without Maxing Out Calories

Food is a source of enjoyment and comfort, and a necessary part of our everyday lives. Still, maintaining a balance between eating for pleasure and keeping our caloric intake under control can be a tricky act. One strategy that has proved to be effective in this regard is smart stacking – pairing higher-calorie foods you enjoy with low-calorie ones. This method enables you to continue relishing the flavors you love while keeping your calorie count in check.

Example - instead of taking peanut butter by the spoonful, try putting some on your favourite fruit.

Imagine savoring a chunk of flavorful cheese. It's undoubtedly a delightful experience, but the calorie count can quickly add up if you indulge too freely. Now, consider pairing that cheese with a crisp, juicy apple. The apple is lower in calories, high in fiber, and it adds a different texture and flavor to your snack. It also increases the volume of your snack, which can help you feel fuller without consuming a lot of extra calories.

This approach goes beyond the concept of "everything in moderation". It's about creating a synergy between higher-calorie and lower-calorie foods that maximize satiety and flavor. It's not about depriving yourself or sticking to plain, unappetizing "diet" foods. Instead, it's about thoughtfully constructing your meals and snacks to provide maximum satisfaction while still aligning with your health and fitness goals.

Or consider topping your favorite Greek yogurt with fresh, low-calorie berries instead of granola. These combinations allow you to have the best of both worlds – tasty and fulfilling, yet mindful and balanced.

Moreover, the low-calorie foods in these pairings often bring additional benefits. Fruits and vegetables, for instance, are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They're also high in fiber, which can further promote feelings of fullness and aid in digestion (and excellent dukies).

A visual representation of how smooth fiber makes your bowel movements.

The essence of smart stacking is to fill your plate with an abundance of low-calorie, high-volume foods, then add in the richer, higher-calorie foods you love. This approach can make your meals more filling, satisfying, and enjoyable, all without pushing you over your daily calorie budget.

In conclusion, smart stacking is not about restriction. It's about enjoying the foods you love mindfully. By combining higher-calorie favorites with lower-calorie partners, you can enjoy varied, satisfying meals and snacks that align with your health and fitness goals. So go ahead, slice that apple and enjoy it with your cheese, savoring each bite. After all, food should be a joy, not a chore.

Well fam, that’s it for today. See you Friday.

Signing off,

Natty Lyfe


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