This is Natty Lyfe

Welcome to Natty Life, the newsletter that is committed to making you look good, feel good and do good. Today we'll jump into how you can actionably lean into setting better goals, getting more out of your sleep and viral macro friendly foods.

A Better You Starts Here

GM Natty Lyfe Nation. Congratulations for stopping by to read our first ever post. Welcome to Natty Lyfe, where we're serving up a steaming hot plate of knowledge gains to help you crush your fitness goals and dominate life. We're all about the natural approach - no BS, no gimmicks, just real advice that actually works.

Seeing as how this is our first ever newsletter let’s introduce ourselves. We’re a couple of ex-collegiate athletes who like to stay in great shape and got tired of the Liver King’s of the world, spreading lies for their own profit. You deserve better than that.

We want you to earn, learn and be entertained. And the best way we could represent how we’re going to do this for you is through the worlds greatest art form - the meme.

The transformation of Natty Lyfe readers…

What’s on program for today?

  • How to improve your sleep hygiene

  • Simple rules for better goal setting

  • High protein food hacks of the week

How to optimize your Zzz time

The night of champions.

Less than 1% of people on this planet can operate on 4 hours of sleep or less and the ideal amount of sleep is a minimum of 7 hours. Yet somehow, most of us are walking around on 6-hours and relying on 4 cups of coffee to get us through our day. You can do better than that. Here are 8 simple rules for more efficient sleep.

  1. Stick to a sleep schedule: Going to bed at erratic times does not help you. Set a schedule and stick to it.

  2. Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Read a book, do some deep breathing. Getting your mind into the right state will help you get into deep sleep more quickly.

  3. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet: You know the feeling that cold air outside of your sleeping bag makes you feel when you’re camping? Use those same principles… Use blackout curtains, earplugs (if you live in the city), and open a window to let is some cool fresh air.

  4. Avoid screens before bedtime: Try to avoid using screens for at least an hour before bed.

  5. Limit late afternoon caffeine and alcohol: Don’t get me wrong - I love me a cup of joe and punish my fair share of wobbly pops on the weekend but it really does Fuck with your sleep and recovery. As a rule of thumb, stick to 2 cups of coffee and consume no later than 2PM. Sometimes the booze is inevitable but pick your spots…

  6. Exercise regularly: Getting your heart rate up helps your body relax and recover when it’s time for shut eye.

  7. Wake up to light: try investing in an alarm clock with an automatic light - especially if you live in a place with short daylight hours. Your body responds to light and makes it much easier to get out of bed.

  8. Wash your sheets: I know some of you sickos will only wash your sheets once a month. Remember how cozy it feels getting into fresh sheets? If washing your sheets once a week is too much for you, at least wash your pillow cases (this will also help with acne and bad skin).

Sleep is important. Set boundaries for yourself and try to implement one rule per week. You’ll find yourself more energized with less sleep. Meaning you’ll recover faster, you’ll have more focus, and you can say goodbye to those bags under your eyes.

Stop failing and start S.M.A.R.T. Goal setting

Setting goals is an important part of personal and professional growth, but simply stating what you want to achieve isn't always enough. That's where S.M.A.R.T. goal setting comes in. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Let's break down each element of a S.M.A.R.T. goal and how you build one:

  1. Specific: Your goal should be clear and specific. Avoid vague or general statements and instead define exactly what you want to achieve. Ambiguity is your enemy. Start here, and let’s build it out.
    Bad examples: get stronger & be rich
    Good examples: I want to increase my squat & annual earnings

  2. Measurable: Your goal should be measurable so you can track your progress and determine when you have achieved it. Include specific metrics or indicators to measure your success.
    Bad example: Squat more and make more money
    Good example: I want to squat 525 & earn $800k one calendar year

  3. Achievable: Be realistic bro. Don't set yourself up for failure by aiming too high. Aiming low is equally as bad because it’s nothing to be proud of.
    Bad example: I want to out squat the Mountain & be the CEO of my company (you’re currently a low level analyst)
    Good example: I want to get my squat to 405 & get my primary earnings to $200k Annually

  4. Relevant: Don’t set random goals/objectives. They should be relevant to your values and long-term plan in life. These do not necessarily need to be in the goal, but tied to your overarching goals.
    Bad example: I want a Ferrari & the physique of Ronnie Coleman
    Good example: I want to be the strongest version of myself & provide a better life for my family, therefore, I want to squat 405 & earn $200k annually

  5. Time-bound: If your goal does not have a date you need to achieve it by, there is no urgency to complete it. You should have both long and short-term goals. It is critical to tie everything before into this, and realize long term goals ALWAYS have multiple sub-goals.
    Bad example: I want to bench 405 & make $200k annually.
    Good example: I want to get my squat to 315 by December & get a raise to $120k at my annual review in November

Writing down your S.M.A.R.T. goals is an important step in making them a reality. Research has shown that writing down your goals increases your chances of achieving them. Writing things down helps to clarify your thinking, set priorities, and create a plan of action. It also provides a record of your progress and helps you stay on track.

Unfortunately, many people set goals without following the S.M.A.R.T. framework or writing them down, which can make it difficult to achieve them. When goals are vague or too lofty, it can be hard to know where to start, and when there's no clear plan of action, it's easy to become overwhelmed or distracted.

By setting S.M.A.R.T. goals and writing them down, you'll be more likely to achieve them and enjoy the benefits that come with success. Remember, setting goals is not just about what you achieve, but also who you become in the process.

Would Shia lie to you?

Brotein Bliss - Snack Hack of the Week

Everyone including your mother is talking about cottage cheese on social. Rightly so because the macros are NUTS. We love good macros... As a general rule - anything with >10 grams of protein per 100 cals is good. This has 17…

But seriously, who has bought cottage cheese in the last decade? I know I haven’t… It’s slimy and tastes like curdled milk that’s gone bad when eaten on it’s own. So why are people talking about it?

You guessed it, cottage cheese ice cream and let me tell you, it slaps harder than my uncle after a few bud lights.

You can more or less follow this recipe, I added a scoop of protein in it and the macros are insane. If you’re a freak for macros like us, swap out the honey with 0 calorie maple syrup for less sugar and more gains.


Cottage Cheese Ice Cream #cottagecheese #icecream #healthyrecipes #protein #fooddolls RECIPE 1/2 cup full fat cottage cheese (good qual... See more

That’s all from the Natty gang. Until next time, kings & queens.

Audaciously yours,

J & H


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